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Rebecca Bunn, manager of mindfulness with the Road Home Program at Rush, shares a mindfulness exercise that can be performed anywhere in just a few minutes. Video Rating: / 5
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Have you heard of mindfulness?
I’m sure you have. Apparently it’s all the rage right now.
But not because it’s something new, mindfulness has been around for a long time – it’s just becoming well-known in the Western World because of all the research that’s been done showing how it actually has the power to change our brains from a stressed and anxious one to a more calm and grounded one overall.
In this episode of Good For Me TV, I teach you one of the most simple, straight-forward mindfulness exercises that you can do anytime, any place with no formal meditation required.
♥WEBSITE: http://juliakristina.com
♥BLOG: http://juliakristina.com/blog Video Rating: / 5
This video is included in Week 5 of the free online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course (MBSR) by Palouse Mindfulness (http://palousemindfulness.com/selfguidedMBSR_week5-PAIN.html). We are able to include this as part of the course thanks to the generosity of Vidyamala and Breathworks (http://www.breathworks-mindfulness.org.uk/aboutbreathworks). Her new book, You are not Your Pain is available through Macmillan publishers (http://us.macmillan.com/youarenotyourpain/vidyamalaburch). This is identical to the video found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SImXepDbMhQ except that the closed-captioning has been corrected and Spanish subtitles have been added. Video Rating: / 5