Mindfulness for Anxiety πŸ’“ A Beginner's Guide 21/30

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Mindfulness for Anxiety πŸ’“ A Beginner's Guide 21/30

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Mindfulness for Anxiety
Practicing mindfulness can help you shift your perspective on emotions, especially anxiety. It’ll help you get better at soothing anxiety, process sad feelings, and quiet negative self-talk. Mindfulness combined with CBT has been shown to work as well as medication at treating depression and anxiety, but without the side effects. And it’s more effective in the long term.

By the end of this video you’re going to know how to use mindfulness for anxiety in your life. You’re going to experience mindfulness with two quick activities, and you’re going to learn how mindfulness can help you calm anxiety in your body and mind.

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Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC, and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.

About Me:
I’m Emma McAdam. I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and I have worked in various settings of change and growth since 2004. My experience includes juvenile corrections, adventure therapy programs, wilderness therapy programs, an eating disorder treatment center, a residential treatment center, and I currently work in an outpatient therapy clinic.

In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life’s direction.
And deeper than all of that, the Gospel of Jesus Christ orients my personal worldview and sense of security, peace, hope, and love https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/comeuntochrist/believe

If you are in crisis, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or your local emergency services.
Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC
Music licensed from www.Bensound.com or Artlist.io
Images from Freepik.com (premium license), Pixabay, or Wikimedia commons
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The extraordinary effect of mindfulness on depression and anxiety | Daniel Goleman | Big Think

The extraordinary effect of mindfulness on depression and anxiety
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Everyone’s experience with depression is different, but for comedian Pete Holmes the key to living with depression has been to observe his own thoughts in an impartial way.

Holmes’ method, taught to him by psychologist and spiritual leader Ram Dass, is to connect to his base consciousness and think about himself and his emotions in the third person. You can’t push depression away, but you can shift your mindset to help better cope with depression, anxiety, and negative emotions. If you feel depressed, you can connect with a crisis counselor anytime in the US.

Pete Holmes is a comedian, writer, cartoonist, “Christ-leaning spiritual seeker”, and podcast host. His wildly popular podcast, You Made It Weird, is a comedic exploration of the meaning of life with guests ranging from Deepak Chopra and Elizabeth Gilbert to Seth Rogen and Garry Shandling.

PETE HOLMES: You woke up in a conundrum. You were born into a conundrum. And I don’t care how we label it or lower our anxiety by going, well, it’s this and it’s not this, and it’s that — let’s just talk about this shared mystery that we’re soaking in. I want to be careful here, talking about depression, because I had a friend who was very depressed, and I remember talking to him, out of love, trying to explain some of these ideas, some of these ways that we can think and interpret our suffering. And sometimes when someone is suffering, the last thing they want is for you to go, ‘Hey, there’s another way to look at this.’ That’s later. None of this is to be imposed on anybody, and I don’t want to belittle or just say, ‘You know your brain is — it’s your attachment to your desire to not be depressed that’s causing you–‘ no, none of that. That is not what I’m saying at all. We can give space to someone’s depression. We can love them, we can honor — we can just eat some noodles, we can watch some movies, whatever it is. We can just sit and not talk. That’s real stuff. It’s a real — I don’t know if you call it a disorder, a disease, but it’s happening, and we don’t need to coach people through with ideologies.

That being said, if you’re in a place to talk about this, usually when you’re not depressed, I found it helpful to step inside what I call the witness. And other traditions call that your soul. I believe science might just call it the phenomenon of your base consciousness. If you think about when you were born — I have a baby girl now; she’s not thinking in ideas yet. She doesn’t know she’s American. She doesn’t know she lives in California. Just like a ladybug doesn’t know it’s Italian. You know what I mean? It’s just awareness. So she’s just there. But slowly over time, we build up what Jung and others called the false self. So we have the story of who we are. I’m a man and I’m a comedian and I’m a tall man, I have big teeth, and all these things, and I like the first two Batman movies, and I don’t drink coffee, or whatever it is. So you build up this identity. And oftentimes, in that identity is where things like suffering are occurring, sometimes. I can’t speak for everybody. But I will say that for me, when I’ve been depressed — and I get depressed. I have irrational bouts of anxiety. I have random FedEx deliveries of despondency. Just like, “I didn’t order this. Oh, well, keep the PJs on, cancel everything you’re doing today. It’s time to take a sad shower.” That happens to me. So I’m speaking for me with full respect to other people’s processes and their experience.

When I’m depressed, if I can get into that quiet space, it’s the space that’s noticing the thoughts. So if you think, ‘I’m hungry’ — we always just think that ‘I’m hungry’ is the thought in the animal, and then we eat, and then it goes, ‘Thank you.’ Who’s talking to who, really? I would say that the thought is talking to your awareness, your base awareness, your witness. So that’s what’s watching your thoughts. And if you can get into that, you see how impartial and unswayed by your life circumstance this witness really is. It’s just there. It’s neutral. It’s just is-ness. It’s just this. And it’s just watching. It’s compassionate, it’s involved, it’s invested. But it’s not really as connected and tied to the events of your life story as you are, as your false self is. So when those depressions happen, I found it helpful — and this is something Ram Dass taught me — is instead o…

For the full transcript, check out https://bigthink.com/videos/depression-is-different-for-everyone-heres-what-its-like-for-me
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5 Tips To ALWAYS Avoid Back Pain In Your New Chair

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Up to 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their life and an unsupportive office chair can make your problems even WORSE. Here are five things you NEED TO KNOW when shopping for office chairs for back pain.

Ergonomic Chairs in Video
Steelcase Leap v2 https://amzn.to/3Iv6UYn (Amazon)
Ergohuman Leather https://amzn.to/33ahsw5 (Amazon)
Humanscale Diffrient Smart https://amzn.to/3pAqutQ (Amazon)
Ergohuman Mesh – https://amzn.to/3F89G3R (Amazon)
Nightingale CXO – http://bit.ly/2yoWVkz (BTOD)
Humanscale Freedom https://amzn.to/3EBhc7c (Amazon)
Herman Miller Embody – https://amzn.to/3yhrnLM (Amazon)
Herman Miller Aeron https://amzn.to/3rPfQlA (Amazon)
Eurotech Vera https://amzn.to/3Iv6UYn (Amazon)
0:14 How you sit while tasking
0:52 Does the chair offer support while reclined?
1:25 Is the lumbar height & depth adjustable?
1:50 Does the back & lumbar move with you?
2:18 What material is the lumbar system made from?
Desk Setup Specs
Furniture Desk: https://bit.ly/3GcxVOu
Desk Top: https://thd.co/3Ge7jga
Chair: http://bit.ly/302lAbT
Wire Management Box: https://bit.ly/3oofikH
Humanscale Monitor Arm: https://bit.ly/3rDp3xk
Wire Management Clips: https://amzn.to/3prGRZz
Side Table: https://amzn.to/3xW3JnV
Lounge Chair: https://amzn.to/3EBGwtu
Ottoman: https://amzn.to/3IkHqwX
Rabbit Art: https://amzn.to/32NVDlF

Speakers: https://amzn.to/3IhcNbI
Samsung 49” Monitor: https://amzn.to/3dlDnCi
MacBook Pro: https://amzn.to/3lAagzy
LaMetric Clock: https://amzn.to/3GemQML
Keychron K4 Keyboard: https://amzn.to/31z1mLL
Logitech G703 Mouse: https://amzn.to/3xSyVEF
BenQ Light Bar: https://amzn.to/3olOIZs
CalDigit Dock: https://amzn.to/3rA2NEw
Galaga Micro: https://amzn.to/3Dr8mHw

Govee RGB Strip Lights: https://amzn.to/3xSFYNA
Govee Wall Lights: https://amzn.to/3DovbM4
Plants: https://amzn.to/3GbmLJO
Acoustic Panels: https://amzn.to/3ImY7YI

Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, BTODtv may earn from qualifying purchases.

Full Disclaimer: We are an office furniture dealer and sell some of the products we review. To learn more about the products we sell, our review process and why you can trust us, please visit: http://bit.ly/2LsiXIy
Video Rating: / 5

Daily Calm | 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation | Be Present

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Daily Calm | 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation | Be Present

Tamara Levitt guides this 10 minute Daily Calm mindfulness meditation to powerfully restore and re-connect with the present.
Video Rating: / 5

Medical Minute: Home Remedies for Back Pain

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Texas Health Resources

Steven Levin, Johns Hopkins Pain Management Specialist, discusses causes and treatments of nerve pain in the back, neck and legs including neuropathic pain, compression, herniated discs, spinal stenosis and foraminal stenosis.

For more information, visit http://www.hcgh.org/backpain.

Avoiding Zumba injuries | Consumer Reports

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Interested in taking a Zumba class? Before you dive into one of these Latin-dance inspired classes, check out this advice from Consumer Reports medical experts. Find more free Zumba safety tips on our website: http://bit.ly/LXlRoj
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One of the first medical studies to examine injuries associated with Zumba classes in Hawai`i indicates you should watch your knees. The knees were the most common injury in the John A. Burns School of Medicine’s survey of people taking Zumba exercise classes from five different instructors. Dr. Jill Inouye, Sports Medicine Physician at The Queen’s Center for Sports Medicine and a 2010 U.H. John A. Burns School of Medicine graduate, conducted the research while training at the University of Hawai`i Family M
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Another Top 10 HORRIFIC Sports Injuries

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Another Top 10 HORRIFIC Sports Injuries // Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Q2kKrD // TIMESTAMPS BELOW
The Lineup is a new sports panel game show with a WatchMojo twist. Host Adam Reed for a game-ified take on sports talk that mixes elements of trivia, Top 10s and fantasy drafts! Check out episodes HERE: https://goo.gl/1plgdg Some of the worst injuries in sports history have – unfortunately – been caught on tape. Whether it was Shaun Livingston landing awkwardly and destroying his knee, Allan Ray looking like he got his eye poked out or Paulo Diogo getting his finger caught in a fence and losing part of it, these are definitely brutal sports injuries. WatchMojo counts down ten of the most gruesome ways athletes have hurt themselves over the years.

The Lineup is a new sports panel game show with a WatchMojo twist. Smart and funny hockey fans and professional broadcasters join host Adam Reed for a game-ified take on sports talk that mixes elements of trivia, Top 10s and fantasy drafts! Check out episodes HERE: https://goo.gl/1plgdg

00:53 #10: Allan Ray’s Eye
01:50 #9: Matt Henry’s Broken Femur
02:33 #8: Paul George’s Leg
03:41 #7: Marcus Lattimore’s Knee
04:31 #6: Shaun Livingston’s Knee
05:18 #5: Tyrone Prothro’s Leg
06:15 #4: Paulo Diogo’s Finger
06:50 #3, #2 & #1???

Special thanks to our users drew13sixers@gmail.c and dave_macintyre for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at http://www.watchmojo.com/suggest/Another%20Top%20Ten%20Horrific%20Sports%20Injuries

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BACK PAIN AND IBS Causes and Tips

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BACK PAIN AND IBS Causes and Tips

BACK PAIN AND IBS Causes and Tips// By viewer request, today I’m talking about back pain and ibs, sharing my pro tip back pain and ibs triggers list, and my ibs back pain home remedy list. IBS back pain can have several causes, and I share my suggestions for ibs back pain relief.


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How to Identify Your IBS Food Triggers

Oxalates and Digestive Symptoms

Gut Microbiome Testing for IBS

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(USMLE topics) IBS: Prevalence, signs and symptoms, types of IBS, pathophysiology, different possible causes and mechanisms, diagnosis and treatments. This video is available for instant download licensing here: https://www.alilamedicalmedia.com/-/galleries/narrated-videos-by-topics/digestive-diseases/-/medias/f68d8c06-a08a-4785-a8ae-a0110567a286-irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs-narrated-animation
Voice by: Marty Henne
Β©Alila Medical Media. All rights reserved.
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All images/videos by Alila Medical Media are for information purposes ONLY and are NOT intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is the most commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal disorder, affecting at least 10% of the global population. IBS is characterized by chronic or recurrent abdominal pain, associated with a change in bowel habits. Most patients can be classified, according to their predominant stool pattern, into IBS with diarrhea, IBS with constipation, or mixed-stool IBS, in which diarrhea alternates with constipation. Other symptoms may include mucus in stools, bloating, gassiness, and feelings of severe illness. IBS symptoms can be triggered by certain foods, stress, and often get worse around menstrual periods in women. People with IBS are also likely to have other disorders such as fibromyalgia, major depression, or chronic fatigue syndrome.
IBS occurs more frequently in young adults, and affects more women than men.
IBS is a functional disorder, meaning the bowel does not function properly, but there is no observable structural damage. It is thought to associate with problems in the communication system between the gut and the central nervous system, known as the gut-brain axis. This system not only ensures proper functions of the digestive system, but also adapts digestive activities to the body’s different physiological states. Basically, sensory nerve endings in the gut transmit information about the intestinal environment to the brain. The brain integrates this information with inputs from the rest of the body, and sends back neural and hormonal signals to control various gut activities. For example, intestinal muscle contraction is regulated so that the bowel moves food at an optimal pace, allowing the body to reabsorb the right amount of water and nutrients before stools can form.
IBS patients often have irregular intestinal motility patterns. When food moves too fast through the intestine, less water is reabsorbed and stools become more watery. When food moves too slowly, more water is reabsorbed and constipation results. Sensory nerve endings in the bowel of IBS patients are also more sensitive, or β€œirritated”, producing the sensation of pain. This is known as visceral hypersensitivity.
IBS is classified as a syndrome, meaning a group of symptoms, rather than a single disease. This is because distinct underlying mechanisms may drive disease progression in different groups of patients. Several possible mechanisms have been identified. These include:
– alterations in brain function caused by psychological trauma, anxiety, or stress;
– intolerance to certain foods, such as short chain carbohydrates, gluten, dairy products;
– post-infectious changes, such as low-grade inflammation or altered intestinal permeability;
– disturbances in the gut microbiota;
– abnormalities in serotonin metabolism;
– and genetics.
It is common for IBS to result from a combination of several of these factors.
Diagnosis is based on symptoms, but tests are done to exclude other more serious conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and cancers. The latest diagnostic criteria (Rome III criteria) include: abdominal pain or discomfort lasting at least 3 days a month in the last three months, associated with at least two of three factors: relief upon defecation, pain onset associated with a change in stool frequency, or pain onset associated with a change in the form of stool.
IBS rarely requires hospitalization and does not increase risks for colon cancers. Current treatments aim to relieve symptoms, which, in most people, can be managed with diet, and stress reduction. Severe cases may be treated with medications.

Mindfulness Based Therapy

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Mindfulness Based Therapy

5 Fast Facts about Mindfulness Based Therapy

1. Your therapy will incorporate the practice of β€œmindfulness”; focusing your awareness on the present moment and, as best as you can, accepting or not judging the experience.

2. Practicing mindfulness usually involves setting aside some time (from a few minutes to several hours) trying to pay attention, for example, to your breath or walking or stretching or eating, and then noticing whatever comes up (including the inevitable distractions).

3. Mindfulness practices are not the same as relaxation (although you might feel relaxed) and they do not require you to clear your mind (although your mind might get clearer).

4. Although based on an adaptation of Buddhist meditation, the therapeutic version is secular.

5. Mindfulness meditation has been integrated into other types of psychotherapy or offered for particular types of issues. For example: cognitive therapy for depression relapse prevention (MBCT), stress reduction (MBSR), binge eating (MB-EAT) and substance abuse relapse prevention (MBRP) … and others.

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Mindfulness at Work – The Benefits

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The Benefits of Mindfulness at Work // Why be Mindful at Work?

Wondering about the advantages of mindfulness and how you can integrate it into work?

In today’s video I’m going to explain mindfulness – what it is, why you need it, how it can bring benefits into your working environment, the advantages of mindfulness at work, and why you should introduce mindfulness into your work day.

BONUS: Free download: 10 Ways to Be Mindfulness at Work

Mindfulness At Work Tips

What exactly is mindfulness? Jon Kabat-Zinn defines mindfulness as β€œPaying attention to the present moment, non-judgmentally, to look at a situation in a different light.” It really is powerful stuff!

So why even think about mindfulness at work? Mindfulness is an amazing technique to help reduce stress.

So how can mindfulness help at work? Check out this research from Mindfulness Magazine Website: https://www.mindful.org/

Mindfulness is really about being able to look inward, being centered and grounded, so that we can look at situations in a different way, non-judgmentally and actually look at more opportunities that have presented themselves because we’re not blinded by stress.

What is it exactly that mindfulness can do?
1. It reduces stress. That is really important because it gives the techniques to the individuals to teach them how to do that – how they can reduce their own stress.
2. Cohesion and bonding between teams. If you have teams that are not working together it’s because they are so focused on themselves, stress levels are probably a bit high as well and as a result, they can’t deal with other people around them. However, when you are mindful and as an organization you embrace those mindfulness techniques, it really can take away the aspect of β€œme”, ego, and bring us back into the aspect of β€œwe”, a team and actually then have a more cohesive team.
3. It improves the focus on tasks. If we are too stressed, we don’t have the ability to truly focus and mindfulness and the techniques it brings can help connect that.

➑️ F R E E D O W N L O A D :
10 Ways to Be Mindfulness at Work – http://www.cornerstonedynamics.com/mindfulness-at-work-tips/

➑️ F R E E T R A I N I N G! What’s the secret to project management success? I’m answering that in my free training: 5 SECRETS TO GO FROM ZERO TO HERO IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Sign up here: https://www.slayprojectmanagement.com/webinar

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Thanks so much for reading, watching, and listening. https://youtu.be/K5bzkl0Le-w


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#MVPApproach – Mindfulness, Visioning, Productivity
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From Cirrhosis to a Hepatitis C Cure | William's Story

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Hepatitis C is a viral infection causing liver disease. Over 3 million people in the US are infected with hepatitis C and over half remain undiagnosed. The vast majority of individuals living with hepatitis C do not have symptoms until the liver disease progresses to cirrhosis and liver failure. This is the story of William who never worried about his hepatitis C infection until he developed severe itching throughout his body. He entered into care in the Johns Hopkins Viral Hepatitis Center’s outpatient clinical program located in the Bartlett Specialty Practice where he was diagnosed with advanced liver disease from chronic hepatitis C infection. This video describes his journey from symptomatic liver disease to treatment to a cure. Learn more at: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/infectious-diseases/Patient_Care/outpatient/ViralHepatitis.html
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