It seems that in those with a family history of Ankylosing Spondylitis if you have inflammatory type back pain AND chest wall pain you are significantly more likely to be diagnosed with Axial Spondyloarthritis than just Inflammatory Back Pain on its own.

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Chest pain and back pain are often caused by musculoskeletal conditions.

These conditions in the chest are often caused because of many muscles, bones and ligaments involved in the formation of the chest wall.

A friend of mine often complained about a recurring pain in the back that somehow radiates along his ribs to the side of his chest wall. He has completed many examinations but most of it came back positive. From suspecting heart disease to GERD and other similar conditions concerning the internal organs, it all came back negative. In the end it was discovered that his pain was caused by an impinged nerve in his chest wall.

The chest wall contains many ribs, cartilage, sternum and many muscles connecting those bones.

The muscles connecting those bones of the chest wall are: external intercostal muscles, internal intercostal muscles, innermost intercostal muscles, subcostalis, and transversus thoracis.

Nerves are often impinged in the chest wall by those bones or the muscles.
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