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WORST NBA 2K INJURIES OF ALL TIME! Bringing you guys the worst NBA 2K injuries including – Damian lillard, Stephen Curry, Dwyane Wade, Kyrie Irving and more! Welcome 2K fans to a new NBA 2K series, NBA 2K18! In this series there will be lots of content coming this year, some of the videos will include my career mode, my park, play now,exhibition games and one on one matches association, gameplay highlights and many more.
On this playlist you will see one on one matchups like Kobe Bryant vs. Michael Jordan, LeBron James vs. Stephen Curry, Carmelo Anthony vs. Paul Pierce, etc.
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My career mode will consist of my progression through my career, shoe deals, milestones, game highlights, playoff games, working out in the gym, etc.
Hey 2k fans welcome back to a new series, after a great year of NBA 2K17 we finally get to experience NBA 2K18!!! In this series, we will be posting highlight videos, gameplays, matchup games, my career mode, my league, and more! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to be notified of future uploads. . . Video Rating: / 5
NBA 2K19 My Career gameplay Best ankle breaker injured him!
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