Archive for the tag: Project

James Gibbs on the Mindfulness in Schools Project

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James Gibbs talks about the mindfulness in schools project at the Sanctuary Dublin 7, Ireland.

James Gibbs, Head of Training at The Mindfulness in Schools Project, is a teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), an experienced classroom teacher and has taught the .b curriculum at Oxford Spires, St Edward’s School and Dragon School in Oxford. James leads the .b teacher training courses, teaches the .b Foundations course to school staff in the South and South East, and runs introductory workshops and INSET training on mindfulness for young people and teachers. James recently collaborated with CfBT, the educational charity, on a piece of research into the effect of mindfulness training on school staff for the management of work-related stress. He has been practicing and studying mindfulness since 2002.

The Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP), a non-profit organisation whose aim is to encourage, support and research the teaching of secular mindfulness in schools.

For more info see or
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Claire Kelly on the Mindfulness in Schools Project

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Claire Kelly talks about the mindfulness in schools project at the Sanctuary Dublin 7, Ireland.

Claire Kelly, Operations Director of The Mindfulness in Schools Project, has worked in education for 25 years, and until recently was Deputy Head at South Hampstead High School, one of the leading girls’ schools in the UK, where she initiated a mindfulness programme that continues today. Claire leads the MiSP team with a focus on partner relations and curriculum development. Claire is a .b teacher trainer, teaches the .b Foundations course and runs introductory workshops and INSET training on mindfulness for students and teachers. Claire is also a trained teacher of mindfulness for adults (MBSR).

The Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP), a non-profit organisation whose aim is to encourage, support and research the teaching of secular mindfulness in schools.

For more info see or
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