Archive for the tag: Brief

Are you on autopilot? (Brief mindfulness training)

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This practical mindfulness training challenges you to disengage your autopilot and to be present with what you notice in the moment. Turning off your mental autopilot is an essential skill as it allows you to more fully experience what your current situation affords you.

Stay engaged with turning off your autopilot with this free acceptance and commitment therapy self-help ebook:

All things TZSW:

1. Conflict of interest: I am an author, I will link to my own books and paid resources as well as use affiliate links. I promise to tell you in videos when I’m being paid (if ever) to advertise during a video.
2. Self help: This channel provides accurate and authoritative information, it is not a substitute for psychotherapy and does not count as a social work service. If you are in need of help, seek out professional services from a licensed healthcare professional.
3. Community: Although this work is my own, I am inspired and supported by a group of clinicians and researchers under the banner of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science.

The Difference between Mindfulness and Meditation | Are You Really Meditating? | Ziva Meditation

Emily Fletcher, founder of Ziva Meditation, explains the difference between mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness is a directed focus style of meditation whereas meditation gives you access to a state of consciousness that is different than waking, sleeping, or dreaming.

Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva Meditation and the creator of zivaONLINE, the world’s first online training. Ziva’s mission is to make meditation attractive and accessible to people who are ready to up-level their performance and their lives.

Learn to meditate in NYC/LA: or online:

Ziva. do less. accomplish more.

Brief Mindful Breathing for Anxiety

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Christiane Wolf, MD, PhD, Mindfulness and Insight Meditation Teacher at InsightLA, Los Angeles

What: When feeling anxious this brief guided mindfulness meditation can bring you out of worrying thoughts back into the present moment. Using the breath as an anchor you might realize that in this moment you are actually ok.

Effectiveness: Regular practice of mindfulness meditations has been widely researched and has been shown to reduce symptoms like anxiety, depression and stress and increase quality of life and overall well being.

For a compilation of mindfulness research please go to:

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) for improving health, quality of life and social functioning in adults. Campbell Systematic Review 2017, 13.

Khoury, B., Lecomte, T., Fortin, G.,… Hofmann, S. G. (2013). Mindfulness-Based therapy: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 33, 763-71.

Pascoe, M. C., Thompson, D. R., Jenkins, Z. M., Ski, C. F. (2017). Mindfulness mediates the physiological markers of stress: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 95, 156-78.

Dr. Wolf is a physician turned mindfulness and insight meditation teacher. She is the co-author of “A Clinician’s Guide To Teaching Mindfulness” and together with her co-author Dr. Greg Serpa leads the national Mindfulness Facilitator Training for Clinicians at the VA (US Department of Veteran Affairs).
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